Basic Electricity - Online Training Course
Course Objectives
- You will learn about the basic concepts, materials, terms like voltage and current, laws which include Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s laws and various circuitry and symbols related to electricity.
- You will gain knowledge about passive and active devices like resistors, inductors, capacitors, semiconductor, diodes and transistors.
- You will understand magnetism, electromagnetism and their applications in batteries and generators
- You will understand the different energy sources and the concepts behind safety and protection.
Course Methodology
Unbiased, self paced online training courses with interactive audiovisual content including animations and product simulations.
- End Users, Installers/Dealers and System Integrators
- Sales, Suppliers and Consultants
- Technical and Non-Technical people
- Existing and New staff.
Testing Program
The Online Training Course has the following testing modules.
Pre-Test: 25
Post-Test: 25 random questions from a question databank
A certificate of completion will be issued to students who get more than 65% in the Post-test. This certificate is recognized by the following associations:
Course Approved by
ASIS: Recertification - 6 hours,
ALOA: PRP Recertification – 1 points
NSCA: 4.5 Learning Units
New Jersey State CEU: 6 hours TECES-13(65)C006
BISCI: Event ID OV-STAM-NJ-0614-2, CEC: 5
Approved by Texas Department of Public Safety – Y00182
Approved by Tennessee Alarm Systems Contractor Board
Course Outline
Principles of Electricity
Types of Material and their conductivity
Terms like Voltage, Current and Resistance,
Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s law
Various circuits and different symbols used
Construction, Types and Features of Passive Device
Construction, Types and Features of Active Devices
Different Measuring instruments
- Principle of Magnetism
- Electromagnetism
- Solenoid construction and applications
- Principles and types of Transformers
- Types of Motors like AC, FHP and universal
- AC and DC generators
- Types of batteries like primary and secondary
- Dry Cell and Wet Cell
Energy Sources
Renewable sources
Safety Measures
- safety and protection Issue
Price :
3800 + 18% GST for a single
user license for 60 days. During the license period, you can log in from any
computer to complete the course at your own pace and time.
How to Order? It is simple. Complete the purchase process and
you will get a link to start the course. Click Here to online purchase