Biometric Technology - Online Training Course
Course Objectives
- You will understand the latest Biometric technology including the definition, terminologies used, parameters and basic features.
- You will learn the principle, process, hardware used and issues for the different biometric methods like finger, facial, iris, voice, hand and retina.
- You will get to know the different biometric applications.
Course Methodology
Unbiased, self paced online training courses with interactive audiovisual content including animations and product simulations.
- End Users, Installers/Dealers and System Integrators
- Sales, Suppliers and Consultants
- Technical and Non-Technical people
- Existing and New staff.
Testing Program
The Online Training Course has a Post-Test with 24 random questions. An online certificate of completion will be issued to students who get more than 65% in the Post-test.
A certificate of completion will be issued to students who get more than 65% in the Post-test. This certificate is recognized by the following associations:
Course Approved by
ASIS: Recertification - 6 hours,
ALOA: PRP Recertification – 1 points
NSCA: 4.5 Learning Units
New Jersey State CEU: 6 hours TECES-13(65)C005
BISCI: Event ID OV-STAM-NJ-0614-3, CEC: 5
Approved by Texas Department of Public Safety – Y00182
Approved by Tennessee Alarm Systems Contractor Board
Course Outline
Traditional vs. Biometric system
Definition of Biometric
Difference between Identification and Verification
Biometric process; enrollment and verification
Biometric parameters like FRR, FNMR, FAR, FMR, FTE and EER
Different biometric system architecture
Different biometric standards
Finger Scan
Principle of fingerprint technology
How the fingerprint process works
Different fingerprint hardware devices
Advantages and disadvantages of the technology
Facial Scan
Principle of facial scan technology
How the facial scan process works
Different technologies used in facial scan
Advantages and disadvantages of the technology
Iris Scan
- Principle of iris scan technology
- How the iris scan process works
- Different hardware devices used in iris scan
- Advantages and disadvantages of the technology
Voice Scan
Principle of Voice scan technology
How the voice scan process works
Different voice scan configurations
Advantages and disadvantages of the technology
Other Biometric Systems
- Different biometric application
Price :
3800 + 18% GST for a single
user license for 60 days. During the license period, you can log in from any
computer to complete the course at your own pace and time.
How to Order? It is simple. Complete the purchase process and
you will get a link to start the course.Click Here to online purchase